Supplement Solution

Feeling immortal is now within reach! <3

Image of Immortal Health Company Founder and Owner

Immortal Health Company Owner & Founder


Since my teens, I’ve always known that I wanted to pursue an education and a profession that allowed me to help others. I have always been interested in physical and mental health, exercise and science. I am also passionate about empowering women and making women always feel seen, heard, and taken care of.

The idea for Immortal Health Company started one day when I was talking to a colleague at work who mentioned she took Magnesium to help her sleep. I almost always act on product referrals from trusted friends and family members so that night I purchased a bottle of Magnesium.

I didn’t know what to look for and I didn’t understand the science behind why 3 horse pills of Magnesium would help me sleep but I thought “What the heck?” and took them.

Truthfully, I didn’t need help with my sleep as I’m already a pretty deep, long sleeper BUT I started to notice that my once-weekly migraines had decreased to about once-monthly or even less. For additional background, I’d just moved and thought maybe that could have been the cause of the change in my headaches (??!!) (but considering the stress of moving and starting over somewhere new, you’d think the migraines/headaches would get worse right?).

A few months into my supplementing with Magnesium and seeing reduced headaches, I saw my doctor for my annual physical. I asked her if I was crazy for thinking that the Magnesium I was taking could be helping decrease my headaches and she was like “Oh no Magnesium totally can help with headaches.”

At that moment I felt like a genius and I wanted to text everyone I knew who had ever suffered from headaches and tell them to start taking Magnesium. I also thought, if Magnesium can help with headaches, what can the other supplements do?

So my science-loving self got home and immediately began looking at any and all supplements. It was so overwhelming. I sat there staring at my screen with information overload and product overstimulation.

What did each different type of product mean?
How are there 9 thousand different types of Magnesium?
What dosages should I look for?
Why did some pills have way too much of the substance and others had way too little?
What do all these products do?

I then walked into the other room where my husband was eating lunch and was like “Where do I even start?!”

And as the ever-supportive husband that he is, he said “Why don’t you start a supplement company?”

So, here we are, with Immortal Health Company.

There isn’t a way for us to become truly immortal, unfortunately.

But my goal with Immortal Health Company is to make sure you FEEL immortal. So that you FEEL like you can do all the things you want to do and accomplish all that you want to accomplish no matter what stage of life you are in.

So WELCOME! Step into the realm of Deity and start feeling like the Goddess or God that you truly are.
I’m so excited you’re here!

